Our Gee-Spot!


Your brazen astrology (some say astro-illogical) monthly forecast awaits. . .


Brazen astrological (sometimes astro-illogical) forecasts for your sun, moon and rising sign!

♈︎ ARIES. (March 21 - April 19) The planet Pluto can bring chaos and a pissy, negative attitude when in lands in certain parts of your sky – which you and quite a few other people have noticed over the past months, darling. But in September, he’s in Capricorn and that should help Pluto calm the hell down – and you will be more likely to avoid temper outbursts, too. Mars, which rules your sign, is zipping through watery Cancer, helping you chill out and take time to reflect on what it is you are REALLY after (including those ideas you’ve been having about moving or remodeling). It’s not easy for a naturally (let’s face it) bossy Aries, but try to be a little less aggressive in the romance department – you’ll be glad in November.

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

"Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month: “Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.” - All About Eve.

♉︎ TAURUS. (April 20 - May 20). Feeling a little down last month? Missing some buddies or wishing your honey could spend more time with your cuddly self? Woo hoo! Perk up, darling. September brings emotional healing. But it may not be easy peasy at first. Uranus, known for stoking rebellion here and there, goes retrograde bringing perhaps revealing once hidden facts about love and loss and dreams you’ve tried to put on the proverbial back burner. What do you really want to do and how can you align your adorabubble self to align with their truest and deepest desires? You can figure it out, if you give yourself a chance this month!

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“Just keep swimming!” - Finding Nemo.

♊︎ GEMINI (May 21 - June 20). Have you felt like you were on something akin to a rollercoaster ride this year – and not an always fun one but one that stopped and started and left you feeling you had a kind of emotional whiplash? Calm down, stop the eye rolling and take a deep, calming breath, darling. There’s a New Moon in Virgo, the fourth house (emphasizing home and cuddling) that will calm your mind (and your tummy if anxiety has upset it lately). We don’t usually get into asteroids but we’ll make an exception for you – the asteroid Pallas is zipping through your 7th house of committed love. And later in the month that full moon has you pumped up with confidence and compliments – from whom? We can’t tell you everything, sweetie, but we think you’ll be smiling!

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” - Dead Poets Society.

♋︎ CANCER. (June 21 - July 22). Sometimes, your fabulosity creates jealousy and you may find out someone you trusted as a friend on co-worker has flat out lied about you. Of course, that’s just one of the possibilities of the planetary influences this month, but we feel it our brazen duty to warn you. Pluto is a catalyst for change and metamorphosis (whether you want it or not) and it’s back tracking in Capricorn, landing in your seventh house of relationships (the important kind – love and/or work, not flirty passing fancies). There may be a few rough realities to face this month but, bottom line, keep your sense of humor and you’ll head into October stronger, happier, and more brazen.

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it’s the only weapon we have.” – Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

♌︎ LEO (July 23 – August 22). Mid-month (September 16) the New Moon in Virgo occurs smack dab in your second house --not that vacation condo or mountain cabin you’ve had your eye on but the second house in astrology which holds influence on possessions you treasure, how you make your money and what makes you feel all perky and plucky. You may even surprise yourself when you recognize how creative you are this month and you can feel a shift it in your path toward more success – doing what it is you want to do for a change. You are focused, paying attention to details and smiling more than you likely have in months! The last week in the month when the sun zips into Libra, you’ve be ready for some romantic fun.

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.” - The Wizard of Oz.

♍︎ VIRGO (August 23 – September 22). Does this sound familiar? Last month, when Mercury was retrograde, you kept beating yourself up with worry and shame about past mistakes – from that garish eye shadow purchase to wasting time answering email from the jerk from your past who turned out to be an even bigger jerk than before. But we don’t have to tell you to stop the complaining ad nauseum about your bad luck and bad habits – because the astro weather has changed and you are already putting the whining behind you! Hooray!! You can feel your self-confidence growing. You’re more articulate and saying ciao for now (and hopefully forever) to self- defeating whining and worrying. It’s time to step up and out and celebrate your well-deserved self-confidence about being your true self! (It’s a beautiful look, by the way).

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!” - Auntie Mame.

♎︎ LIBRA (September 23 – October 22). The Sun moves into your sign on September 22 and, yes, you will shine – in multiple ways. For one thing, darling, Venus is the planet of love and beauty and she rules Libra! And Venus is particularly expansive this month, and bringing good celestial vibes to relationships – especially the romantic kind! You’ll get more attention than usual (the loving and flirty kind) but you’ll also glow from well-deserved professional and friendship appreciation. Communications when powerful Mars zips into your tenth house of career will encourage you with praise! And don’t be surprised if you have a fab new job offer or two. You’ll smile more than you have in months - it’s worth new wrinkly crinkles around your eyes. In fact, good luck and well-earned positive attention is a beautiful look on you!

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“Here's looking at you, kid!” - Casablanca.

♏︎ SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21). Yes, darling, we can almost hear the collective sigh of relief of Scorpios all over the glob – you made it through some rough and even miserable patches this year. But -- ta da! -- you’ve landed in Virgo season. It’s prime time for you to socialize. And, with that new moon in your eleventh house of dreams, hopes, and social groups that feel like family, you’ll likely feel inspired to connect with others to work on projects that are meaningful and, well, downright fun! Set some long-term goals that align with your talents, beliefs and dreams. Looking for love? You likely won’t have to look too far – a friendship could grow into something deeper.

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” - Forrest Gump.

♐︎ SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21). There’s no need to tell you to stay motivated on your goals this September. “Ambition!” is practically spelled out in the stars for you, darling. And this isn’t pie in the astrological sky, either. The Virgo new moon elevates your dreams and career goals. You’ll feel confident, competent and even courageous to do your very best in your career – and you’ll be noticed, in the best possible way. Don’t be surprised if bigger and better career opportunities show up suddenly. They’ve actually been right over the horizon until the stars aligned. An itty-bitty warning, sweetie: no matter what exciting work changes are ahead, don’t forget to nurture relationships both in your career and on the friend and family fronts, too.

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“Elementary, my dear Watson.” -The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

♑︎ CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19). Uranus is stationing retrograde and Pluto has backed up into your sign. Translation from astro babble to English: You may feel like hanging out by yourself more this month, darling. The astro weather also suggests you’ll feel the need to revisit past lovers and other close relationships (maybe in person, maybe in communications). It’s a good time to explore meditation, if you don’t already, and consciously say goodbye to negative patterns that may have screwed up everything from work opportunities to dating to your sex life. Don’t despair! The new and full moons let old habits and limiting beliefs fade. Get extra rest this month and, as your energy increases, so does your luck. socialize and smile!

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up.” – Dumbo.

♒︎ AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 19). Pay attention to something new going on in Uranus (and if you are discussing this with a non-astro speaking acquaintance, do explain this has nothing to do with a body part – oh, you do too know what we mean). You see, darling, Uranus is the planet ruling your sign and it’s going retrograde. It’s nothing dreadful but get your creative juices going and figure out some brazenly new solutions to glitches in your personal life – including potentially revamping your home. Don’t pout or fret but calm the f-word down and have a needed heart-to-heart talk with a roomie or lover once the sun moves into Libra and Venus spreads love in your get-out-and-have-fun 10th house the last week of the month at the fall equinox.

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“What we've got here is a failure to communicate.” - Cool Hand Luke.

♓︎ PISCES (February 20 – March 19). You can worry yourself into a snit or relax and know the changes this month are steering you to surprises that my whisper “destiny, this way, darling!” So go with the flow of the lunar eclipse in your sign on the 18th. Wildly eccentric vibes from Uranus, who is retrograde in your third house, is revving up your communication style – go ahead and clearly and calmly ask for what you want (at work or in bed). Do opt for humor instead of anything remotely bullying this month. And don’t be surprised when you find yourself enjoy new discussions in new social circles, too.

Your classic movie quote inspiration for the month:

“Que sera, sera… whatever will be, will be.” - The Man Who Knew Too Much.


♈︎ ARIES. (March 21 - April 19) You want to go, go, GO! as usual. But you’ll be hit by some slow, slow, slooooowing down in the first part of the month. Don’t blame us, blame Mercury retrograde. Not feeling like your usual high energy self? Use some common sense and get checked out – and we are talking about your health.  Sigh..  yes, we KNOW you are always getting checked out in the other way because you flirt your *ss off.  In fact, by the middle of the month, your spontaneous flirty side will be out in full force when Mars hooks up with Jupiter. And with September on the horizon, you’ll likely feel a surge of, how shall we put it, romantic interest (simply put, you’ll be extra horny).

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“You don't have to be cool to rule my world. Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with, I just want your extra time and your…kiss.” – Prince.

♉︎ TAURUS. ((April 20 - May 20).  Venus, the love planet, rules your sign and lovey dovey-ness is usually your forte. But there’s tension from Uranus for a little while. It could be making you a tad nostalgic and blue. Over what? We can’t tell you everything, darlings. But we can tell you to avoid taking out your bad mood on others. Bottom line: Calm the f*ck down! Be kind. Be patient. The “retro” part of Mercury retrograde will soon make you smile. Don’t be surprised when it brings old buds back into your life. More good news: Uranus gets cozy instead of cranky with Venus by the 27th and sparks (the sexy kind) can fly with the one you love.

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

"I feel nice, like sugar and spice. So nice, so nice, I got YOU.” – James Brown.

♊︎ GEMINI (May 21 - June 20). It’s time to put on your big hussy or huss-he pants (from jeans to silver lame) and think “persistence.” Your plans had glitches lately, but stop being a drama queen. Look on the bright side: Mercury retrograde isn’t bringing many annoying changes and non-fun surprises to your sign. What’s even better? The full moon on August 19.  Finally, darlings! Your brazen wishes and dreams could manifest and that influence goes all the way to September. It’s not magic but the pay-off of putting your creative and hard-working, adorable *ss in gear. So, what if plans and dreams have changed!? Adjust your course and head for better days toward what your heart needs.

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“You can’t always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need.” – Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.

♋︎ CANCER. (June 21 - July 22).  Yep, you’ve been wondering whether to go this way or that when it comes to making money. Stop agonizing – it causes crow’s feet, darlings! Besides, the intuitive new moon on August 4 lights the way for you to consider something new and brazen for your career. What do you REALLY want to do? Mercury retrograde is in your communication sector, so try not to worry if emails and phone calls aren’t answered ASAP.  Be patient. An important conversation over the next few weeks could be life changing. As August draws closer to September, the sun cozies up to Mercury – watch for a glow-up of financial opportunities (along with love).

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“It’s been a long, long time coming, but I know a change is change is gonna come, oh, yes it is…” Sam Cooke.

♌︎ LEO (July 23 – August 22). The sun is shining on you like a spotlight. No, we are NOT suggesting the cops are after you, darlings. We are talking about attention of the good sort – your brilliant star quality! The new moon on the 4th aims right at your heartfelt desire to dip. or even better, step boldly into a new image and that energy keeps on keeping on!!! You aren’t disguising but revealing the REAL brazen you – your fresh ideas, talents, and chutzpah. Mercury retrograde will simply delay a few plans temporarily.  As the month ends, spend more time with the special ones you dazzle and love.

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright.” – John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

♍︎ VIRGO (August 23 – September 22). The sun is in your 12th house (we aren’t talking about your real estate investment, but your horoscope, dears). Use the positive side of Mercury retrograde - slow down, take deep breaths and work behind-the-scenes pursuing dreams, creative projects, magical goings-on, and healing from stress and anxiety. Whaaat? You don’t HAVE any stress or anxiety? Darlings, let’s not fib. Have a massage, a new ‘do, a plastic surgery consult! Let go of someone who is more hurtful than helpful and loving. As the sun gets close to Virgo, fiery Mars links to Jupiter’s energy. Woohoo! An unexpected, fab opportunity and lots of smiles await on the road ahead!

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“I ain't saying you treated me unkind, you could've done better but I don't mind.  You just kind of wasted my precious time.. But don't think twice, it's alright.” – Bob Dylan.

♎︎ LIBRA (September 23 – October 22). Are you involved in group things? Venus, the planet of love, is squaring trouble-maker Uranus in part of your sky dealing with group activities - things like participating in volunteer work, or a book or garden club, or being a member of Congress (well, there probably IS a brazen hussy or huss-he in there).. stuff like that. Now that we think about it (not that we normally think about it, darlings), orgies are a group activity! But this portends nothing like that - just a few annoying glitches in your group endeavors. Mercury retrograde won’t be a huge bother this go ‘round but can bring some misunderstandings. So be flexible, darlings -- and keep your sense of humor!

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy, it's not your style.   You'll look so good that you'll be glad you decide to smile!” - Lee Adams and Charles Strous.

♏︎ SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21).  The career part of your sky is loaded this month with confidence vibes radiating on you, sweeties. That’s especially good news because you’ve likely had more than one big bump on the career path lately. The sun is powering up your multiple talents which include being somewhat sneaky (well, so was James Bond!) as well as super smart. Important people are noticing you in a good way, darlings. Mercury retrograde could screw up biz communications so take extra care. Don’t be surprised if people from the past want to suddenly talk about your talents and availability. Love or family snits could be healed now if you stop having to be right about everything!

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“Forget your troubles, c'mon get happy. You better chase all your cares away.” -- Harold Arlen and Ted Koehler.

♐︎ SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21).  Your wanderlust (emphasis on “lust”) is calling you to take a trip or at least trek outside your normal boundaries. The sun is shining on the part on your Hussyscope that calls to adventure. But hold on! Mercury is retrograde there most of the month. Consider keeping your explorations closer to home for now – plan some new adventures in a month or two.  Besides, sweetie darlings, later in the month, Mars and plucky, lucky Jupiter (your ruling planet) align and the outlook is what? Wowser! Some potentially wild days in a few weeks or months (we mean “wild” in the best way) await.

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“Whether I'm right or whether I'm wrong, whether I find a place in this world or never belong, I gotta be me, I gotta be me.”  -- Walter Marks.

♑︎ CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19).  Aha! We do believe you have bit of the spy in you this month (and, of course, you look extra brazenly fab in those wrap around shades and the trench coat).You’re focused on getting to the bottom – whether good, bad, or just pissy – of something you suspect has been hidden from you. Venus in the 9th house encourages zeroing in on  suspicions. But calm down! Maybe someone simply forgot to spill those beans – or you missed a message – because of Mercury retrograde! Besides, the new moon energy earlier in the month brings a revitalizing connection for six months. Don’t pussyfoot around about pursuing it…

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“What's new, pussycat? Whoa-oh, whoa-oh.. You’re delicious and all your wishes can soon come true…“ – Burt Bacharach.

♒︎ AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 19).  You’ve been hyper focused on one of the great loves of your life -- the money, honey. And you’ve had reasons to be cash conscious. The planetary line-up in August brings advice heralded by the new moon in Leo earlier, nudging you to focus more on relationships, darlings. You may be saying goodbye to a couple of old friends for now during the Mercury retrograde because you’ve simply grown apart. But, odds are, most will circle back in your direction next year. The vibes of the full moon in your sign on the 19th inspire with a burst of creativity.  You’ll look extra fabulous, because you’re smiling more!

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“Don’t lose your confidence if you slip. Be grateful for a pleasant trip and pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.” – Nat King Cole.

♓︎ PISCES (February 20 – March19). Darlings, consider rejuvenation – not just cosmetic procedures (of course, we would NEVER consider them for ourselves… cough), but the glow and glam from feeling and looking your brazen best. The sun in Leo is activating your wellness zone! Haven’t worked out in a while? Start with yoga. Looking for love? Don’t bother. Love is looking for YOU. Be open and let it succeed. Mercury retrograde likely keeps you closer to home for a few weeks. It’s an opportunity to find new ways (wink, wink) to connect if you’re in a relationship. The Aquarius full moon on August 19 nudges your imaginative, creative side for many weeks ahead - making you even sexier than usual.

Your lyrical inspiration for the month:

“I believe in miracles… where you from, you sexy thing.” -- Errol Brown and Tony Wilson.