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Have an idea that's simply too too? Too too what, did we hear you say? Well, we HOPE it's simply too too TORRID, or perchance too too tempestuous.
But if your day is rather topsy turvy, remember, it could be worse, darling. You could meet up with a 50 foot tall “termagant "(oh, go look it up.. sheesh!) Or, come to think of it, you could turn INTO a 50 foot tall termagant something or other.
Say WHAAAAAT? Say, anything's possible in the land of cinematic excesses, especially the land of classic so-bad-they're-hilarious sci fi flicks featuring behemoth brazen babes and a couple of huge and cheesy huss-hes, too.
Por ejemplo, we were surfing about andGOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY!!! We came upon -- TA DA -- "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" starring the big, sexy-and-strong-in-a-Xena-ish kind of babelicious way hussy Allison Hayes as, you guessed it, the 50 foot tall woman. How did she GET that way in this l958 movie (a must see flick for those who really REALLY like tall women)?
Well, the plot, goes something like this: Miss Hayes plays a boozing broad who is zapped by a UFO and grows right out of her house! (but not out of her clothes... although she does get to wear itsy bitsy cleavage revealing torn tops). And she's ticked off.
Well, she was ticked off BEFORE she was zapped by the saucer -- hubby was mean to her and fooling around. Of course, as the wifey was a falling down drunk, her hubby was playing fast and loose with a hot tamale on the side girlfriend (named Honey Parker, if you must know) played by Yvette Vickers. Yvette took HER clothes off, in real life, to reveal a luscious bod in the July l959 issue of "Playboy" (that was long, long ago, boys and grrls, in another space time continuum where breasts were devoid of implants).
ANYHOO, the 50~foot hussy gets revenge and actually has a pretty good time doing it. And she manages looking just fab while smashing anything in her path, mostly toy cars! Oh, yeah, we know, we KNOW that Darryl Hannah starred in a made-for-the-boob-tube redo of this movie in, what, l993? Let us share our brazen review of THAT travesty in one word (OK, so it's not a word, but you get our drift): EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
Another flick about a giant woman ~~ this time a goody two shoes one (until she, too, gets peeved) is Lou Costello's last film (sans Bud Abbott) "The Thirty-Foot Bride of Candy Rock". The star, Dorothy Provine, was in "The Great Race" with Jack Lemmon in the l960s and in a TV series called "The Roaring Twenties. Getting back to this tale of a statuesque blonde par excellence.... it is only one EW better on our stinkeroo-flick-a-meter rating system that the Darryl Hannah ".... 50 Foot" travesty. Sooooo, it gets a mere EEWW!
And let us not forget that l959 monstrosity of a sci fi stinker, "The Amazing Colossal Man" about --guessed it -- a colossal man who happens to be 50 feet tall, too! Too bad, he couldn't get together with the 50 foot tall woman ... This time it's not aliens but a plutonium bomb blast that zaps Lt. Col. Glenn Manning and he keeps growing and getting more and more weird about the fact. So, like lots of guys that go bald, he inexplicably heads to Las Vegas where he throws tantrums ~ possibly because he had heard that Las Vegas show girls are really tall, but he found out they weren't THAT tall!
So what can we all LEARN from this gargantuan subject? Well, it NEVER hurts to think BIG. Or something… --Sher.
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