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Put this NEW HOLIDAY on Your Calendar, Darlings!

By Sher

Brazen Hussies Founder

Did you need another holiday you never heard of before to celebrate?

We didn’t either.

But we BRAZENLY changed our minds and came up with a new one when we realized August 22 is the birthday of one of our most adored Brazen Hussy writing inspirations, Dorothy Parker, AND the birthday of one of our favorite authors ever, Ray Bradbury.

So, darlings, we have come up with a brand spanking new adult holiday (no, SPANKING has nothing to do with it … get your mind out of the gutter) to celebrate on August 22 every year –to remember Dorothy Parker and Ray Bradbury in a way we think they’d appreciate.

Say whaaaaat??? Say we declare August 22, from this year forward to be…. TA DA!

“Let’s Drink Martinis, Steal a Rocket Ship and Go To Mars Day!”

Although Miss Parker went to that great cocktail party in the sky long ago, I did have the opportunity to talk to Mr. Bradbury on the phone once when I was writing for the late and lamented OMNI magazine

I’ve met many famous people in person, and hung out with quite a few, but I admit that talking to Ray Bradbury – whose work I discovered when I was 12 -- was the only time I turned into a stuttering, blithering mess talking to a famous person. I admired him, well, to the stars and back.

Thankfully, he pretended not to notice I was blithering. He was out-of-this-world kind and just plain nice.

And my guess is, he and Dorothy Parker would both laugh and maybe write short stories about our new brazen holiday.

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