
We like words. In fact, we adore words. That’s why we have not only perfected the art of the withering stare, but the zip of the zapping zinger. On occasion, we borrow the nuanced night parlance of film noir or the snappy patter of screwball comedy a la “Bringing Up Baby.”
We TALK our walk and vice versa. And we can help you to give great word, too.
Say we are doing our brazen part to save what is left of civilization by presenting our hussyfied (yes, we made that word up) look at the world with a certain intelligence, a certain informed and literate lexicon that is often inspired by the Golden Days of Hollywood (as well as anything else that catches our smarty pants fancy).
And we do it with style, pizzazz and a rarely verdant but always verbose, occasionally verboten and verifiably veridical (oh, go look it up! We can’t tell you EVERYTHING! sheesh..) verbiage.
Did someone just mention the end of civilization? Why, we believe we did!
Planet Earth (except for a few places, like our lil’ piece of brazen heaven, the empire of Hussydom) has gone, if not totally mad, boringly bland and overwrought with cliches, uh, like, saying, uh, LIKE every few words, then over-wrought with repetitive “catch” phrases.
Por ejemplo (of COURSE we are a tad bi, as in bi-lingual), listen to the news talking heads. Can’t they ask someone to describe anything with FACTS, instead of “give us your sense of…”? And why interview anyone if you interrupt constantly?
Another question: When did it become politically incorrect to put the word “actress” in mothballs – or the garbage can?
We could not care LESS if you identify as male, female, trans, gender fluid or a space alien. But the word “actress” is not less than, beneath, or an insult compared to the word “actor.” If you are in the film or theatrical world, call yourself an actor or actress or anything else, but don’t demean those calling themselves actresses. (By the way, I remember seeing fabulously entertaining drag superstar Jackie Beat describing himself as a male actress. I love it!)
Bottom line: Call yourself whatever you want but there’s no reason to delete the word “actress” from the dicktionary, we mean dictionary.
But we digress…
Our point is, words are important. And word play can be more fun than (or as much fun sometimes as) foreplay. In fact, darlings, words can get you from here to there as you pursue your dreams, your schemes, your acquisition of diamond rings, your pursuit of flings.
So, if you want to raise YOUR hussy or huss-he word I.Q., you’ll find enough quotes, dialogue, and samples of classic zingers at the Brazen Hussies to spice up your next cock and tail party conversation and to inspire you to put more brazen attitude in your own vida loco.
After all, life’s too grand an adventure to be described by spewing “uh.. like.. uh” and “whatever” every few words. So. write your own fabulous life script, speak it -- and LIVE it!
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